
Our Current Needs

Our biggest need right now is to gather more partners who will commit to monthly or annual gifts that will sustain this budget over our years of service. Half of this covers our salary, rent and school expenses. The other half covers travel costs, ministry expenses, insurance premiums, and modest retirement savings.

We are currently at 70%. of our target monthly, sustaining budget for serving in Albania.

We have approximately $2,700/month  remaining to fundraise before we are able to launch.

3 Ways to Give

1) Monthly Partner Giving allows us to maintain a predictable budget and focus on serving long-term

2) Annual Partner Giving similarly allows us to sustain our service but through once-yearly gifts

3) Special Projects Giving provides funds for one-time needs that will change over time

Making Donations

To make a tax-deductible donation, click the button below and in the “Give to a Worker” section, enter our account number (3155) or type in our names. If interested in becoming a monthly partner, select the “Recurring Donation” checkbox on the second page.

See the TMS Global Giving FAQs page for more details.

Why Fundraising?

In an area of the world that is economically strained, we believe that the best way we can serve the local community is not to pull from local resources by taking an income from it. Albania has a struggling, but growing economy. Often, Albanian 20-somethings are not found in Albania. Rather, they are spread across the European Union on work visas, sending money home to their families. To move here and try to find a job or draw a salary would be both impossible and irresponsible. Even our teammates who run small businesses don’t draw a salary from those businesses. Instead, they depend on financial support from a community of people here in the States so that they can provide a fair wage to their employees and multiply the businesses. We will need to do the same. We are prayerfully building a team of people that will pray for us, stay connected with us and commit to monthly financial support for our living and travel expenses. Like a pastor or priest, who draws a salary from his congregation or parish, this will allow us to be singularly focused on ministry and service in the local community.    

We also believe that this is one of the ways the early church provided support to those they sent out to serve among other communities. In 3 John 1:5-8, John encourages the congregation to support workers going out so that they would not require anything from those who are being served. In this way, John also says the congregation is considered “fellow workers of the truth.”  

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Thank you for your support.

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